The GNLU Blog on Business Laws and Policy (‘Blog’) accepts submissions on topics related to:
1. Corporate Law
2. Securities Law
3. Banking Law
4. Insolvency Law
5. Arbitration
6. Competition Law
7. Taxation
8. Other contemporary issues in financial and business policy.
The Blog invites rolling submissions.
The submission shall be in the English language only.
Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
Submissions shall not be less than 1200 words and shall not exceed 1500 words (exclusive of endnotes). Longer pieces can be divided into two or three-part posts for better readability. However, each part post shall be complete in itself.
The title must not exceed 10-12 words.
Submissions may be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments, and short notes. Further, submissions analysing or critiquing already existing academic research on a topic or issue are also welcome.
Submissions shall be lucid, contemporarily relevant, and well-researched. They shall contain a novel analysis of the issue by the author(s). The Editorial Board encourages analytical submissions with concrete suggestions over descriptive submissions with generic suggestions.
The name and institution of the author(s) shall not be mentioned in the body of the submission.
Authors shall refrain from referring to themselves in the first person in the manuscript. Further, while referring to case laws, authors are encouraged to use the names of the parties instead of referring to them as “petitioners”, “appellants”, “respondents”, etc.
Formatting and Citation
Submissions shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, with line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment.
Title must be bold and underlined. The text of the title must be in Sentence Case, no all caps or small caps.
Heading 2 must be bold.
Heading 3 must be underlined.
Margins must be one inch from all sides.
All references must be in the form of hyperlinks in the body of the submission. Hyperlinks should be provided to all supporting materials and legal texts for the benefit of the readers (open access preferred). In case no hyperlink is available for any reference, the use of endnotes is recommended. Please note that speaking endnotes are not allowed.
In case of endnotes, the following formatting is to be followed: Font – Times New Roman, Font Size – 10, Single Spacing between all lines, Justified Alignment, Citation- OSCOLA.
No borders are to be used in the submission.
No graphs and images are allowed unless it is necessary to illustrate the argument in the article.
Submission Procedure
The author(s) shall submit the manuscript in a doc./docx. format via Google Form here. The file name must be “Title_GCBPP Blog”. Submissions made through any other medium will be summarily rejected.
The Editorial Board will acknowledge the receipt of your submission within 24 hours.
The Editorial Board strives to communicate its decision regarding the blog’s publication at the earliest. Ordinarily, the author(s) shall be apprised of the decision of the Editorial Board within ten days from the date of submission.
The Editorial Board conducts a strict double-blind peer review of the received submissions and holds absolute discretion in determining whether to accept or reject a submission.
The confirmation of publication will depend on the incorporation of the suggestions, if any, provided by the editorial board.
All queries shall be sent to the Editorial Board at
Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and the submission shall be original, unpublished, and an outcome of the author’s own efforts.
All submissions are screened via plagiarism software, and in the event that a submission is found plagiarized, the article will be summarily rejected.
Use of Artificial Intelligence tools is strictly prohibited.
Author(s) shall divest the copyright of the manuscript to GCBPP once the manuscript has been selected for publication. However, all moral rights shall remain with the author(s).
Author(s) shall refrain from submitting the manuscript elsewhere during the pendency of the review process.
If the theme of the manuscript is contemporaneous to the time of submission and a delayed publication would render the research irrelevant, the author(s) may request an expedited review of their submission.
Posts initially published on the Blog may be cross-posted on other websites or in print with prior permission. However, this is subject to the condition that the cross-posting prominently carries wording to the effect that the material was “first published on the GNLU Blog on Business Laws and Policy (".
Submission Form
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts through the Google Form by clicking the Submit button below.